The NANEMIAR project promoted in the article on European research and innovation funding in the Region of Murcia

Findings in biomedicine or research on climate change are supported by millions of euros from the EU in the Region of Murcia. Europe is behind technological and scientific advances in all sectors. European funding is a fundamental pillar for the research activity of public universities, institutes or research centers or the National Health System.

In the article recently published in the newspaper La Verdad, several research and innovation projects that allow these scientific advances precisely thanks to European funding are highlighted, the NANEMIAR project being one of these.

 - Congenital anemias condemn those who suffer from them to depend on periodic blood transfusions, so that the red blood cells that their body is unable to produce reach their circulatory system. A group from the Murcian Institute for Biosanitary Research (IMIB) is looking, together with Dutch and French scientists, for an alternative that improves the quality of life of these patients. - "What we want to find out is whether we are able of restoring the production of functioning red blood cells through nanotechnology," explains Ana Belén Pérez (principal investigator of NANEMIAR project).

If patients with congenital anemia can look forward to this project, named NANEMIAR, it is thanks to the more than 900.000 euros (*for Regional Health System - IMIB-FFIS and SMS) from the European Union that financed it.

The NANEMIAR research staff of the IMIB in their laboratory on the Health Campus

Read complete article (available in Spanish)

Source of information: La Verdad

"NANEMIAR project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them."